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Frenchy’s Saltwater Cafe Is The Better Frenchy’s: Here’s Why.

Frenchys Menu

As Clearwater Beach locals, my wife and I love seafood! There are plenty of local seafood restaurants in the area. And, being so close to the ocean, we get access to fresh food. Frenchy’s is one of the most popular options when it comes to seafood around Clearwater, Florida. We recently visited Frenchy’s Saltwater Cafe and here’s why I think it’s the better Frenchy’s.

Frenchys on a map

Quiet and Intimate Location

There are two Frenchy’s in Clearwater Beach. The better known is Frenchy’s Rockaway Grill, facing the ocean. It’s the more popular location. And, you’d think that would be the better Frenchy’s. But, I find the location to be too busy. Yes, you have a view of the ocean. But, if you want something with a more “private” feel, Saltwater Cafe is the better option.

More Diverse Menu

Generally, Frenchy’s offers fried fish options, excellent grouper sandwiches, and plenty of drink options. What makes Frenchy’s Saltwater Cafe stand out to me is their quality of ingredients and their unique menu options that you’ll only find at their location. Here’s what we ordered:

Fried Calamari

Fried Calamari

I’m a bit of a calamari snob. I was born in South Africa where we have arguably the best fried calamari in the world. To do it right, the fried calamari has to have the right crunch to it. The batter needs to compliment the calamari flavor. It can’t be greasy. It can’t be soggy. And, Frenchy’s Saltwater Cafe nails this appetizer. I’d give it a 9/10!

Greek-Style Octopus

Greek Style Octopus

My mom ordered this one. So, I have to take her word for it. But, she said the flavor was great. The meal came with spring mix and lemon sauce. The only negative she said was it was slightly overcooked. But, she gave it a 7/10.

Tropical Chicken Walnut

walnut salad

It comes served in a tortilla shell! Need I say more? This was fresh, light, but really filling. It gets a 8/10 from the group!

Chicken Nachos

Chicken Nachos

This one may not always be on the menu, from what I can tell. But, if it is, and you like nachos, order it! This was my meal. I loved that it didn’t come smothered in nacho cheese. To me, nachos should be consistent from first bite to last. And, this was. Never had better nachos in my life. So, I’m giving it a 10/10!

After Lunch, Come Join Us On A Boat Charter

Brian and Sharon

We run our boat charter throughout the week and on weekends. If you are looking for a private charter for your group only, contact us.